-(3)Research on the Diagnosis Method of Micro Short Circuit in Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Pack

(3)Research on the Diagnosis Method of Micro Short Circuit in Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Pack
author:enerbyte source:本站 click348 Release date: 2023-10-18 08:49:29
The battery pack composed of these six units in series stopped charging when the No. 6 unit first reached the charging cut-off voltage of 3.65V at tn and 0:00, while the other five units were not fully charged. If it is possible to continue charging a single unit that is not fully charged in t...

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The battery pack composed of these six units in series stopped charging when the No. 6 unit first reached the charging cut-off voltage of 3.65V at tn and 0:00, while the other five units were not fully charged. If it is possible to continue charging a single unit that is not fully charged in the battery pack separately, the relative charging time of that unit can be obtained Δ The calculation formula for tn, i is


Among them, n is the number of charges; Tn, 0 is the time at the end of the nth charging of the battery pack; Tn, i refers to the time when the battery pack has not reached the cut-off voltage at the end of charging, and the i unit is charged separately to the cut-off voltage.

During the actual charging process of the battery pack, it is not possible to charge a single cell separately, so the accurate remaining charging time of the cell before reaching the charging cut-off voltage at the end of charging cannot be obtained. However, it can be obtained based on the voltage curve of the cell that first reaches the charging cut-off voltage. In Figure 1, based on the charging voltage curve of Unit 6 that first reaches the cut-off voltage, the relative charging time can be calculated by comparing the voltage at the end of charging of other units in the battery pack with the reference charging voltage curve Δ Tn, j, characterize the remaining charging time of the monomer, and the calculation formula is


Among them, n is the number of charges; J is the serial number of the monomer; Tn, j refers to the charging time corresponding to the voltage point on the reference charging curve that is the same as the voltage at the end of unit j charging during the nth charging.

According to the micro short circuit characteristics of lithium batteries, when there is no individual micro short circuit in the battery pack, the relative charging time of each individual that does not first reach the cut-off voltage during each charging process remains basically unchanged; When a single cell in the battery pack experiences a micro short circuit, compared to other normal cells that do not experience a micro short circuit, the relative charging time of the cell continues to extend with the increase of charging times.

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