-Battery Basic Knowledge Test Questions

Battery Basic Knowledge Test Questions
author:enerbyte source:本站 click130 Release date: 2024-04-23 09:23:54
Battery Basic Knowledge Test Questions1. What is a battery?Answer: A battery is an electrochemical device that directly converts the energy generated by chemical reactions of substances into electrical energy.2. What is a primary battery?Answer: A primary battery refers to a battery that cannot be r...

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Battery Basic Knowledge Test Questions

1. What is a battery?

Answer: A battery is an electrochemical device that directly converts the energy generated by chemical reactions of substances into electrical energy.

2. What is a primary battery?

Answer: A primary battery refers to a battery that cannot be restored using conventional charging methods after discharge and can continue to be used, also known as a primary battery.

3. What is a battery?

Answer: A battery refers to a battery that can restore the active substances at both poles through charging methods and can be discharged again, also known as a secondary battery.

4. What is a dry battery?

Answer: A dry battery refers to a battery with a non flowing electrolyte, usually referring to a zinc manganese dry battery.

5. What is an electrolytic cell?

Answer: An electrolytic cell is an electrochemical device that converts electrical energy into chemical energy. When charging a battery, it is equivalent to an electrolytic cell.

6. What is an electronic conductor?

Answer: Electronic conductor refers to a conductor that conducts electricity by relying on the directional motion of free electrons inside the material under the action of an external electric field, also known as the first type of conductor. Various metals are usually Class I conductors.

7. What is an ionic conductor?

Answer: Ionic conductors are conductors that conduct electricity by relying on the directional movement of movable ions present in matter under the action of an external electric field, also known as the second type of conductor. Various electrolytes are usually type II conductors. The potassium hydroxide aqueous solution we use in production is the second type of conductor.

8. What is electrolyte?

Answer: Substances with ionic conductivity under certain conditions are called electrolytes. Like the potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, etc. used in our production

9. What is an electrode?

Answer: An electrode refers to a conductive system composed of two types of conductors, namely electronic conductors and ionic conductors, connected in series, also known as a half cell. Usually, for convenience, the metal conductor part or electrode plate that makes up the electrode is called an electrode.

10. What is a positive electrode and a negative electrode?

Answer: In an electrochemical device, the electrode with a higher electrode potential is called the positive electrode, and the electrode with a lower electrode potential is called the negative electrode.

11. What is an anode, what is a cathode?

Answer: Simply put, the electrode that undergoes an oxidation reaction is called the anode, and the electrode that undergoes a reduction reaction is called the cathode.

12. What is battery charging?

Answer: The process of using an external DC power source to input electrical energy into a battery and force an electrochemical reaction inside is called battery charging.

13. What is battery discharge?

Answer: The process in which an electrochemical reaction occurs inside a battery to generate electrical energy and output it to the external circuit is called battery discharge.

14. What is electrode potential?

Answer: Electrode potential, also known as electrode potential, refers to the potential difference between two types of conductors in an electrode due to the presence of a double layer.

15. In redox reactions, does the oxidant gain or lose electrons, does the oxidation number (or valence) increase or decrease, and is it an oxidation or reduction reaction being carried out?

Answer: In the oxidation-reduction reaction, the oxidant gains electrons, the valence decreases, and a reduction reaction occurs.

16. What are the types of electrolytes used in batteries?

Answer: Electrolytes commonly used in batteries can be divided into background electrolytes, solid electrolytes, and melt electrolytes.

17. What is an active substance?

Answer: Active substances refer to substances that participate in electrode reactions during the process of converting chemical energy into electrical energy in a battery.

18. Why does battery discharge not require an external power source and charging requires an external power source?

Answer: Because the electrochemical reaction during battery discharge is a spontaneous process, supplying power to the external circuit of the battery is a spontaneous process, while the charging battery is equivalent to an electrolytic cell. The electrochemical reaction that consumes electrical energy in the electrolytic cell is a non spontaneous process, so an external power source must be used to force the chemical reaction to proceed in the opposite direction.

19. What is battery electromotive force?

Answer: The difference between the positive electrode potential of a battery and the negative electrode potential is called the battery electromotive force, also known as the theoretical voltage.

20. What is open circuit voltage?

Answer: When the battery is open circuit, the potential difference between the positive and negative electrodes is called the open circuit voltage. The open circuit voltage is numerically equal to the difference in stable electrode potential between the positive and negative electrodes, and is a measured value.

21. What is nominal voltage?

Answer: The nominal voltage is generally considered to be the voltage value that a battery can operate under standard conditions.

22. What is discharge voltage?

Answer: The potential difference between the positive and negative electrodes during battery discharge is called discharge voltage, also known as working voltage, load voltage, or terminal voltage.

23. What is charging voltage?

Answer: The potential difference between the positive and negative electrodes during battery charging is called the charging voltage.

24. What is the charging termination voltage?

Answer: The maximum voltage allowed for battery charging is called the charging termination voltage.

25. What is discharge termination voltage?

Answer: When the battery is discharged, the voltage drops to the lowest working voltage that is not suitable for further discharge, which is called the discharge termination voltage.

26. What is the internal resistance of a battery?

Answer: The resistance experienced by the current passing through the interior of the battery is called the internal resistance of the battery.

27. What are the internal resistances of the battery?

Answer: The internal resistance of the battery includes ohmic resistance and polarization resistance.

28. What is the Ohmic Resistance of a Battery?

Answer: The Ohmic resistance of a battery includes electrode resistance, electrolyte resistance, diaphragm resistance, contact resistance, etc.

29. What is polarization resistance?

Answer: The resistance value corresponding to the voltage change caused by polarization in a battery is called polarization resistance.

What does polarization resistance include?

Answer: Polarization resistance includes internal resistance caused by electrochemical polarization and concentration polarization.

31. What is a diaphragm resistor?

Answer: Diaphragm resistance is a certain degree of obstacle that guides ions through the micropores of the diaphragm.

32. What is an electrochemical reaction?

Answer: The chemical reaction that occurs at the interface between two types of conductors on the electrode, which involves electron gain or electron loss, is called an electrochemical reaction or electrode reaction.

33. What are the characteristics of electrochemical reactions in batteries?

Answer: A. The reactants must undergo oxidation or reduction reactions in two separate regions in space;

B. The electrons required for oxidation-reduction reactions must be transferred through external circuits.

34. What are the types of batteries that can be classified according to their working properties?

Answer: It can be divided into primary batteries, batteries, reserve batteries, and fuel cells.

35. What are the types of batteries that can be classified by electrolyte?

Answer: It can be divided into alkaline batteries, acidic batteries, neutral batteries, organic electrolyte batteries, and solid electrolyte batteries.

36. What are the types of batteries based on electrode materials?

Answer: It can be divided into zinc manganese series, zinc mercury series, lead-acid series, cadmium nickel series, hydrogen nickel series, lithium battery series, etc.

37. What is the relationship between the positive and negative poles and the negative and positive poles of a battery?

Answer: The names of the positive and negative electrodes of the battery do not change with the charging and discharging changes of the battery, while the names of the negative and positive electrodes change with the charging and discharging changes of the battery. When charging, the positive electrode is the anode and the negative electrode is the cathode; When discharging, the positive electrode is the cathode and the negative electrode is the anode. When there is an open circuit, the positive and negative poles can be determined, but the negative and positive poles cannot be determined. Therefore, in the battery industry, electrode names often use positive and negative poles instead of negative and positive poles.

38. What is Faraday's Law?

Answer: Faraday's law is about the relationship between the amount of substance participating in a reaction and the amount of electricity passed through it.

39. What is the Faraday constant F equal to?

Answer: 1F=96500 Coulombs/Mole=26.8 ampere hours/Mole.

40. What is charging efficiency?

Answer: Under specified conditions, the ratio of the capacity given during battery discharge to the amount of charging required to restore to the state before discharge is called charging efficiency, also known as ampere hour efficiency.

41. What is the utilization rate of active substances?

Answer: The ratio of the actual discharge capacity of a battery to its theoretical capacity is called the utilization rate of active substances.

42. What are the two types of utilization rates for active substances?

Answer: It can be divided into battery active substance utilization rate and electrode active substance utilization rate.

43. What factors are related to the utilization rate of active substances?

Answer: The utilization rate of active substances is closely related to the structure of the battery, the state of the electrodes, the discharge system of the battery, and the manufacturing process of the battery.

44. What is the capacity of a battery?

Answer: The capacity of a battery refers to the amount of electricity it can provide under a certain discharge system. Its unit is ampere hours, abbreviated as ampere hours, which can also be expressed in milliampere hours.

45. What are the capacities of batteries?

Answer: It can be divided into theoretical capacity, nominal capacity, design capacity, rated capacity, and actual capacity.

46. What is theoretical capacity?

Answer: Theoretical capacity refers to the capacity that should be obtained according to Faraday's law based on the amount of active substances participating in the flow reaction under the conditions of positive electrode, negative electrode, and battery capacity.

47. What is rated capacity?

Answer: Rated capacity refers to the capacity that a battery should be able to provide under specified conditions, which is the legal capacity value.

48. What is actual capacity?

Answer: Actual capacity refers to the amount of electricity released by the battery under actual load conditions.

49. What is the numerical order of theoretical capacity, rated capacity, design capacity, and actual capacity?

Answer: Generally, theoretical capacity>actual capacity>design capacity>rated capacity.

What is the order of the magnitude of battery electromotive force, charging voltage, discharge voltage, and open circuit voltage?

Answer: Charging voltage>battery electromotive force ≥ open circuit voltage>discharge voltage

51. What is electrochemical capacity?

Answer: Electrochemical capacity refers to the theoretical capacity that can be given per unit mass of active substance.

52. During battery discharge, electrical energy is generated due to electrochemical reactions occurring inside the battery. Is all the chemical energy generated by the internal reactions in the battery converted into electrical energy? Why?

Answer: Not all of the chemical energy of the reaction is converted into electrical energy, because of the presence of internal resistance in the battery, a portion of the chemical energy of the reaction is converted into thermal energy.

53. Does the negative electrode of the battery undergo an oxidation reaction or a reduction reaction during discharge? Is the negative electrode a cathode or an anode? Is the negative electrode active substance an oxidant or a reducing agent? negative electrode

Is the potential high or is the positive electrode potential high?

Answer: During discharge, the negative electrode undergoes an oxidation reaction, which is the anode. The active substance in the negative electrode is a reducing agent. When self discharging, the negative electrode potential is low and the positive electrode potential is high.

54. What are the components of a battery?

Answer: A battery is composed of four main parts: electrodes, electrolytes, separators, and an outer shell.

What is the role of electrodes (positive and negative) in batteries?

Answer: The electrode is composed of an active substance and a conductive skeleton. The basic function of the electrode in the battery is to participate in the current formation reaction and conduct electricity. The main performance of the battery depends on the basic characteristics of the electrode.

56. What role does electrolyte play in batteries?

Answer: The electrolyte and electrode form an electrode system, ensuring ion conductivity between the two electrodes inside the battery. Sometimes, ions in the electrolyte also participate in electrode reactions.

57. What role does the separator play in a battery?

Answer: The separator prevents direct contact between the positive and negative electrodes in the battery, resulting in electronic conductivity and short circuits inside the battery. Therefore, the separator has the dual characteristics of being a good conductor of ions and an insulator of electrons.

58. In electrochemistry, the diaphragm resistance is the resistance of the diaphragm itself, right? Why?

Answer: This statement is incorrect. A diaphragm is an electronic insulator and a good conductor of ions. The resistance of the diaphragm is the obstacle that guides the passage of ions through the diaphragm, and its value is equal to the difference in resistance between the presence and absence of a diaphragm in the electrolyte solution.

What is the relationship between conductivity and resistance, and between conductivity and resistivity?

Answer: Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistance, and conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity.

What is the physical unit of conductivity? What is the physical unit of conductivity?

Answer: The physical unit of conductivity is Siemens (S), and the physical unit of conductivity is Siemens meters.

What physical quantity is usually used to represent the conductivity of an electrolyte?

Answer: Represented by conductivity or conductivity.

62. What is a spontaneous process? Give an example.

Answer: Spontaneous process, also known as natural process, is a process that can occur automatically without the need for external force. For example, heat is transferred from a high-temperature object to a low-temperature object, gas diffuses from high pressure to low pressure, and during battery discharge, the current flows from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the external circuit.

63. What is a reference electrode? And give an example.

Answer: The reference electrode refers to the electrode selected as the relative standard to measure the electrode potential of another electrode to be tested, such as calomel electrode, silver chloride electrode, zinc mercury electrode, etc.

64. What is a discharge system?

Answer: The specified discharge rate, discharge temperature, and termination voltage during battery discharge are commonly referred to as the discharge system.

65. What is discharge rate?

Answer: Discharge rate is the discharge rate expressed in numerical terms as a multiple of the rated capacity of the battery, equal to the discharge current intensity. The unit is the rate.

66. What is discharge rate?

Answer: The discharge rate is expressed in hours as the length of time required for the battery to fully discharge its rated capacity.

67. What is the relationship between discharge rate and discharge time rate?

Answer: For the same discharge rate, the discharge rate and discharge time rate are reciprocal of each other in terms of numerical values.

68. What is the discharge current for a battery with a rated capacity of 1000mAh at a rate of 0.5? What is the discharge rate?

Answer: The discharge current is 500mAh, and the discharge rate is 2 hours.

69. How does the battery output electrical energy to the outside?

Answer: When the battery outputs electrical energy outward, the external circuit is electron conductive, relying on the directional movement of electrons to transfer charges; Ionic conduction occurs between the two poles inside the battery, relying on the directional movement of ions to transfer charges; At the electrode interface, electrochemical reactions occur to transfer charges and ensure that current passes through the electrode interface.

Why is the output voltage of a battery lower than the theoretical voltage or open circuit battery when discharging?

Answer: This is because there is a certain internal resistance inside the battery. When there is current passing through, the internal resistance causes an internal voltage drop. As discharge proceeds, the internal resistance of the battery increases, and the voltage will gradually decrease.

Why is it necessary to specify the discharge termination voltage of batteries?

Answer: Due to different usage requirements of batteries, discharge conditions may also vary. In order to prevent premature deterioration of battery performance and prolong battery service life, it is necessary to specify the discharge termination voltage under different usage requirements and discharge conditions. In addition, in order to compare or distinguish the discharge performance of batteries or check the capacity of batteries, it is necessary to specify the discharge termination voltage.

72. What are the commonly used charging or discharging methods in the research and production of cadmium nickel and hydrogen nickel batteries?

Answer: Constant current charging and discharging.

73. What is a battery short circuit?

Answer: The electronic conductivity formed between the two electrodes inside the battery is called a battery short circuit or an internal battery short circuit. Internal short circuits in batteries often lead to their scrapping.

74. What is an external short circuit in a battery?

Answer: The load resistance between the positive and negative current terminals of the battery can be ignored compared to the internal resistance of the battery, which is called an external short circuit of the battery.

75. What is battery self discharge?

Answer: During the period of charged storage, the capacity loss caused by the spontaneous reaction inside the battery in an open circuit state is called self discharge of the battery.

76. Can self discharge of the battery be avoided?

Answer: No. Because theoretically, the electrodes in a battery are in a thermodynamically unstable state. Self discharge is inevitable, but if appropriate measures are taken, it can be minimized.

77. What is battery failure?

Answer: When the battery experiences internal short circuit or damage and cannot be used, and the capacity does not meet the rated requirements, it is called battery failure.

78. What series of batteries does Huanyu Power produce?

Answer: Our company produces cadmium nickel series and hydrogen nickel series cylindrical sealed batteries.

79. How many milliampere hours is 1 ampere hour equal to? How many Coulombs is it equal to?

Answer: 1Ah=1000mAh=3600 Coulombs

80. Does the nickel oxide positive electrode start to release gas during charging, indicating that the positive electrode is fully charged? Why?

Answer: The start of gas evolution from the positive electrode does not indicate that the positive electrode is fully charged. According to the potential changes during charging, oxygen evolution from the positive electrode is accompanied shortly after charging. As charging progresses, the oxygen evolution speed accelerates. Generally, before the depth of charging from the positive electrode reaches 80%, the oxygen evolution speed is slower. When approaching full charging, the oxygen evolution becomes very obvious.

81. What does transformation mean?

Answer: The process of improving the electrochemical activity of the original electrode material through charging and discharging methods is called chemical synthesis.

What is the sealing principle of cadmium nickel and hydrogen nickel sealed batteries?

Answer: The sealing principle is the principle of oxygen circulation, which means that sponge cadmium and hydrogen storage alloys can easily react with oxygen under alkaline conditions, thereby eliminating oxygen.

Why is the negative electrode effective capacity greater than the positive electrode effective capacity in low-voltage nickel hydrogen sealed batteries?

Answer: To achieve battery sealing, it is necessary to eliminate gases that may occur during charging and storage. Oxygen cycling can be used to eliminate oxygen. When charging, when the effective capacity of the positive electrode is lower than the effective capacity of the negative electrode, the positive electrode reaches a fully charged state before the negative electrode, and continues to charge. The oxygen precipitated from the positive electrode diffuses to the negative electrode and reacts with the active material metal hydride of the negative electrode, which is absorbed. At the same time, the negative electrode is always in an incomplete charging state, so that hydrogen gas is not produced by the negative electrode, thereby eliminating the gas generated during the charging process and achieving battery sealing. Of course, there is still hydrogen gas inside the battery, but under normal circumstances, the amount is relatively small.

84. Why do sealed nickel hydrogen batteries need to strictly control the amount of electrolyte?

Answer: Controlling the amount of electrolyte is to make it easy for oxygen to be transferred from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the diaphragm. If the amount of electrolyte is too much, the electrode will be submerged, which will hinder the diffusion of oxygen and make it difficult for oxygen to come into contact with the negative electrode active material, resulting in abnormal oxygen circulation; If the amount of electrolyte is too low, it can also affect the performance and lifespan of the battery.

85. What is the function of explosion-proof covers in sealed batteries?

Answer: The explosion-proof cover used by our company is a re closed type, which is a safety device designed to seal and prevent the risk of high voltage accidents inside the battery. Therefore, when spot welding the explosion-proof cover during the sealing process, the vent holes on the chassis should not be sealed to avoid danger.

86. Why is capacity classification necessary?

Answer: Hydrogen nickel sealed batteries are usually used in series combination. In order to maintain consistency in the capacity of series batteries, it is necessary to check and classify the actual capacity of individual batteries to ensure the effectiveness of battery use after series connection.

87. What should be done when potassium hydroxide splashes on the skin or eyes?

Answer: When measuring the splashing of potassium hydroxide on the skin, immediately rinse with water, then rinse with 3-5% boric acid solution, and finally rinse with tap water. Immediately rinse with water if potassium hydroxide splashes into the eyes, then drip with 3% boric acid solution until there is no burning sensation in the eyes. Rinse with clean water, then rinse 1-2 times with boric acid solution, and finally rinse with clean water.

88. What are the harmful impurities to the nickel oxide electrode (positive electrode)?

Answer: There are iron, magnesium, calcium, silicon, etc.

What is the impact of excessive lithium hydroxide content on battery performance in potassium hydroxide solution?

Answer: When the content of lithium hydroxide is too high, lithium ions can enter the lattice of the positive electrode active material to form an inert compound called lithium nickel oxide, which affects the progress of electrochemical reactions and deteriorates electrode performance.

Why do batteries need to be sealed as soon as possible after adding liquid?

Answer: After the battery is filled with liquid, the electrode and diaphragm surfaces are exposed to the air. CO2 in the air easily reacts with potassium hydroxide in the battery to produce carbonate with lower conductivity, which affects the capacity and lifespan of the battery.

91. Why do sealed batteries strictly prohibit over discharge?

Answer: Although sealed batteries generally take preventive measures against over discharge, such as adding a certain amount of reverse polarity material to the positive electrode, over discharge can generate hydrogen gas and accumulate it, leading to the rupture of the sealing structure and even causing an explosion in severe cases.

What are the types of positive electrode plates produced by our company according to production processes?

Answer: There are sintered positive electrodes, wet coating positive electrodes, and dry powder positive electrodes.

93. What are the types of negative electrode plates produced by our company according to their production processes?

Answer: There are wet slurry negative electrodes and dry powder negative electrodes. Dry negative electrodes are divided into copper mesh negative electrodes and foam nickel negative electrodes.

What is the accuracy of the vernier caliper and micrometer respectively?

Answer: Generally, the accuracy of a vernier caliper is 0.02mm, and the accuracy of a micrometer is 0.01mm.

95. Are alkaline batteries rechargeable?

Answer: Not all, such as alkaline manganese batteries, silver oxide batteries, etc. are alkaline batteries.

What are the nominal voltages of cadmium nickel and hydrogen nickel batteries?

Answer: All are 1.2V.

97. What are the most promising new types of high-energy batteries for civilian use at present?

Answer: There are metal hydride nickel batteries, lithium batteries, alkaline manganese batteries, etc.

98. What should the drying temperature of foam anode not exceed?

Answer: The drying temperature should not exceed 140 ℃. When drying for a long time or infrared drying, the temperature should not exceed 120 ℃, otherwise it may damage the structural water in nickel hydroxide.

Why is the charging voltage higher when the hydrogen nickel battery is opened and formed than when it is sealed?

Answer: When opening the battery, due to the large amount of overcharging, both the positive and negative electrodes can be fully charged, especially when it rises to 1.6V or above. However, in sealed batteries, due to the limited amount of positive electrodes, hydrogen cannot evolve from the negative electrode, and the charging voltage rises to around 1.5V. Due to the decrease in oxygen cycle voltage, it is called - △ V, so the charging voltage of sealed batteries is lower than that of open batteries.

What are the commonly used discharge methods?

Answer: There are mainly two types of discharge: constant current discharge and constant resistance discharge, as well as continuous discharge and intermittent discharge.

101. Some people say that battery capacity is the sum of positive and negative electrode capacities, right? Why?

Answer: This statement is incorrect because during operation, the amount of electricity passing through the positive and negative electrodes of a battery is always simultaneous and equal, and the actual capacity of the battery depends on the electrode with the smaller capacity.

102. What are the types of battery failures that can be classified into?

Answer: It can be divided into reversible failure and irreversible failure, or temporary failure and permanent failure.

103. What kind of failure does the memory effect of cadmium nickel batteries belong to? Does hydrogen nickel battery have memory effect?

Answer: The memory effect belongs to reversible failure. Hydrogen nickel batteries are generally believed to have no memory effect.

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